Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Brief Apology

Dearest blog (and its loyal followers),

I want you to know that I haven't forgot about you. Quite the opposite--I wish I could spend more time on your web space, posting photos and scribbling text on your homepage. It's really not you--it's me that's the problem. The work has been picking up lately and all my weekends have been filled with traveling. I'd love to update you with my experiences at the unforgettable Las Fallas in Valencia, the exquisite Asturias region of Northern Spain, my lovely mother's visit to Madrid and my first voyage to Africa but time has been short.

Now for the good news. Spring break is looming on the horizon--this Thursday to be exact. Then, I'll have more time to dedicate to you, recounting my adventures in painstaking detail. I'll also be gathering new info about beautiful Barcelona. 

You know what they say--absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Until soon,


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