Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Leviticus en Español: Talk about lost in translation!

For all of the exploring and learning I've done in my first few days in Madrid, my trip to a Spanish church this Sunday stands out as the coolest experience so far. My new friend Paige and I set off to find a church that was recommended to her by a girl who studied in Madrid last spring. After some wandering, and with help from a very kind Spanish man at a car wash, we found the church just in time for the service to begin. We were a little apprehensive at first but the pastor immediately walked over to where we were sitting and introduced himself. He began the service by welcoming us by name in front of the congregation (there were about 40 or 50 people there). The worship was great--led by a band of college-age kids who we met after the service and who were also super friendly. Some of the songs were very familiar--just with Spanish words instead of English. And, of course, the first time I visit a Spanish church, the sermon is about Leviticus. It's hard enough to understand in English! There were a few notable differences--the language (obviously), wine with communion instead of grape juice, worship song requests from the audience--but it felt very much like home. What an opportunity to worship with new friends on the other side of the world!

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